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- Категория: 2017

TMSF 2017: Международна конференция "Трансформационни методи и специални функции 2017"
София, 27-30 август 2017
The 8th International conference "TMSF 17" is organized and hosted by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI - BAS), with the kind cooperation of the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev".
Website: http://www.math.bas.bg/~tmsf/2017/, e-mail: tmsf@math.bas.bg
The aim of this conference is to continue the traditions of the series of TMSF conferences in Bulgaria, http://www.math.bas.bg/~tmsf/, and to mark some jubilee events, among which are: the 70 years of IMI - BAS, and the 20th volume of the international specialized journal “Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis”, https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/fca. The Conference is organized under the auspices of the bilateral academic agreements between Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Academies of neighboring Balkan countries; and some projects with National Science Fund of Bulgaria, Institutions and Universities, related to the TMSF 2017 topics.
The TMSF Scientific Program will include:
• "Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis" Day (FCAA)
• "Geometric Function Theory and Applications" Day (GFTA)
• "Transform Methods and Special Functions" Day (TMSF), with other basic topics as:
Special Functions, Integral Transforms, Convolutional Calculus, Fractional and High
Order Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Generalized Functions, Complex
Analysis, etc.
Timetable: Please, confirm your interest by May 10 with e-mail to: tmsf@math.bas.bg, by returning the Preliminary Registration Form.
For more information, please visit the conference website.