Проекти на фокус
- Детайли
- Категория: 2017

- Институт по математика и информатика на БАН
- Съюз на математиците в България
- Факултет по математика и информатика на
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски"
The conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Union of the Bulgarian Mathematicians and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University.
The purpose of this event is to present the current state of the art in all areas of mathematics, in particular, in the following main sections:
- Mathematical Logic, Algebra, and Combinatorics;
- Geometry, and Topology;
- Analysis (dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Prof. Vassil Popov);
- Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics;
- Applied Mathematics (including Approximation Theory, Financial Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics);
- Mathematical Aspects of the Computer Science;
- Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics.
One of the main goals of the conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia" is to bring together Bulgarian mathematicians and computer scientists working all over the world. In this way, the event will enrich the relations between the mathematicians working in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian mathematical diaspora.
The conference will include invited plenary talks, invited talks in sections, and research contributions. The duration of the invited plenary talks is 50 minutes, of the invited talks in sections is 45 minutes and of the research contributions is 30 minutes.
We encourage interested participants or groups to propose and organize mini-symposia on specific topics during the conference. We recommend the organizers of the mini-symposia to follow the same rules for the talks as for the main conference.
Selected papers from the conference programme will be invited for publication in special issues of Serdica Mathematical Journal and Serdica Journal of Computing. The deadline for journal versions is August 31, 2017. Submissions will be subjected to peer-reviewing as usual.
For more information please visit the conference website: http://mds2017.math.bas.bg/