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STEM Discovery Week 2018
20 March 2018

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On October 27th The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics celebrates its 70th anniversary. The anniversary will be marked by celebration and exhibition on the history and achievements of the Institute in the Great Hall of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 2 p.m. Patron of the event is the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Rumen Radev.
On October 25th and 26th, the IMI Multimedia Hall will host a scientific conference titled "Sharing Ideas," which will present the achievements of IMI scientists. The project activities of IMI will be presented by an exhibition located in the foyer of the 3rd floor.
The Virtual Museum of Mathematics and Informatics in Bulgaria will be officially opened during the solemn celebration. Colleagues and guests of the event will be able to see some of the museum's exhibits on spot.
Guests of IMI will be able to visit an exhibition featuring periodicals, monographs, and books published in recent years by IMI scientists. The exhibition will be located in IMI's library.
Conference program, as well as more information about the official celebration, can be found on the Institute's website.
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The French Académie des Sciences awarded one of its prizes for 2017 (Le Prix Leconte) to our colleague Nikolay Tzvetkov.
The Leconte Prix (in French: Prix Leconte) was founded in 1886 by the French Academy of Sciences to honor breakthroughs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural sciences or medicine. In recent years, the award has been awarded to specific categories of mathematics, physics and biology. Laureates of the Award can be scientists and mathematicians of all nationalities.
Nikolay Tzvetkov obtained his master's degree from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "in 1996, after which he became a PhD student at IMI-BAS under the supervision of Professor V. Georgiev. He defended his doctorate in 1999 at the University of Paris Sud, under the supervision of Jean-Claude Saut. Since 2009 Nikolay Tsvetkov is a professor of mathematics at the University of Cergi-Pontoise.
His research field is partial differential equations and more precisely the mathematical analysis of nonlinear waves with a particular interest in regularity issues, stability of solitary waves and the propagation of random waves.
In the summer of 2017 Prof. Tzvetkov was a plenary speaker at the International conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia", which was organized by IMI from 10 to 14 July.
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On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Yaroslav Tagamlitzki, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), Sofia University and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS organize a jubilee scientific conference in his honor.
The conference will be held from 15 to 17 September 2017 and will be hosted by FMI.
The event aims to honor the life and work of the prominent Bulgarian mathematician, remembered by generations of mathematicians with his fascination and considered as a symbol of the academy.
Professor Tagamlitsky (1917-1983) has made an outstanding contribution to the development of Bulgarian mathematics both through his remarkable scientific achievements and through the preparation and introduction of a whole generation of younger mathematicians into the research work. For him, teaching mathematics was avocation, followed by an extraordinary sense of responsibility and remarkable mastery.
In 1961 he was elected Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. For his research achievements Tagamlitzki was awarded in 1947 with the Prize of the Committee for Science, Art and Culture, in 1952 with the Dimitrov Prize for his study on the Abel interpolation series 21. He received twice the "Cyrille and Methodius" order and was also awarded the title Merited Scientist in 1982.
More about the work and life of Yaroslav Tagamlitzki you can read here.
You can read the Jubilee Conference Program (in Bulgarian) here.