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Award in mathematics Rose and Irving Saff was founded by prof. Edward Saff from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, who is a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in memory of his parents.

It is awarded each year to a student in mathematics for high achievements and excellence in mathematics.

Ekaterina was spotted by her professors at Plovdiv University during the first year of her studies. They noted that she was different from her classmates by her profound interest and enthusiasm with which she studied not only the teaching material, but because she constantly expanded her knowledge in various branches of mathematics.

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IMI Mathematics Prize for the year 2017


The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences opens a call for nominations for the IMI Mathematics Prize for the year 2017 for excellent achievements in Mathematics. Candidates must be Bulgarian citizens and must not have completed 40 years of age before 1-st of January 2017. The deadline for nominations is 31-st of December 2016. Nominations are sent (electronically) to the Chairman of the Prize Committee.

For the first time the Prize was awarded for the year 2014 to Martin Kassabov, Professor at the University of Cornell, USA.
Details about the Prize and the nominations’ procedure can be found in the Statute of the Prize.

The members of the IMI Prize Committee for 2017 are:

  • Stanimir Troyanski (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria) - Chairman of the Prize Committee. E-mail:
  • Armen Sergeev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia)
  • Luchezar Stoyanov (University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia)
  • Vidar Thomée (Chalmers University of Technology, Goeteborg, Sweden)
  • Efim Zelmanov (University of California at San Diego, USA)

Professor Jonathan Borwein passed away at 65


With deep sadness we report that our colleague Jonathan Borwein, Laureate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Newcastle, Australia, passed away on August 2, 2016 at the age of 65. Professor Borwein was a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a dear friend of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He has been closely related to the Bulgarian mathematical community by collaborative work with several Bulgarian mathematicians, by hosting Bulgarian scientists and participation in projects and scientific events involving the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics and the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Comptes rendus de l'academie Bulgare des sciences.

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The Eighth Vasil A. Popov Prize was awarded to Jean-Marie Mirebeau of France, on May 23, 2016, at the 15th International Conference in Approximation Theory held in San Antonio, Texas.

Jean-Marie Mirebeau was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the development and analysis of nonlinear and adaptive approximation methods that account for local anisotropic features. In particular, he has identified the algebraic structures that lead to the characterization of the optimal aspect ratio of simplices in finite element approximation, revealing among others the role played by the beautiful Hilbert invariant polynomial theory. His work also shed light on the properties of Riemann metrics that should be prescribed in mesh generation algorithms for optimizing the compromise between complexity and accuracy measured in various relevant norms. Motivated by image processing applications, Mirebeau developed powerful discretization techn iques that allow to properly treat anisotropy in partial differential equations when a regular square grid is imposed. A critical role in these developments is played by Laguerre Voronoi diagrams and reduced lattice bases.

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