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STEM Discovery Week 2018
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STEM Discovery Week 2018
20 March 2018

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STEM Discovery Week 2018This year's winner of "Rose and Irving Saff" Award is Borislav Anchev, student at the University of Veliko Turnovo
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At the meeting of the Commission to determine the winner of the prize "Rose and Irving Saff" for 2017 committee members unanimously decided that the winner of the award for 2017 is Borislav Antonov Antchev. He is a Bachelor in Mathematics and Informatics at Veliko Turnovo University "St. St. Cyril and Methodius".
Award in mathematics Rose and Irving Saff was founded by prof. Edward Saff in memory of his parents. Prof. Saff works in Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA Не is a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a dear friend of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
The Prize is awarded each year to a student in mathematics for high achievements and excellence in mathematics.
Mathematical Modelling of Innovative Measures against Tropical Diseases
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- Category: Research activities
Dr. Peter Rashkov from the Department of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis at IMI is representative for Bulgaria and Management Committee member for the COST Action „ Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Avant-garde Disease Control via Mosquito Nano-Tech-Repellents“ (IMAAC 2017-2021, funded by Horizon 2020 programme of EU, www.imaac.eu) and participates in workgroup „Mathematical Analysis, Data-Analysis and Statistics“.
IMAAC's aim is to investigate and perform mathematical analysis of the effect of avant-garde control measures in vector-borne diseases involving day-time active mosquitoes transmitting diseases (dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever). This involves avant-garde measures in textile and paint production based on nano- and micro-particles that release chemicals like repellents in well portioned dosages.
The spectrum of possible combinations of nano- or micro-particles, repellents, insecticides and types of textiles or paint has not been well studied. Efficacy studies in cases using these control measures in combination with vaccines have not been performed, which stipulates the need for mathematical modelling and analysis.
70 years Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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On October 27th The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics celebrates its 70th anniversary. The anniversary will be marked by celebration and exhibition on the history and achievements of the Institute in the Great Hall of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 2 p.m. Patron of the event is the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Rumen Radev.
On October 25th and 26th, the IMI Multimedia Hall will host a scientific conference titled "Sharing Ideas," which will present the achievements of IMI scientists. The project activities of IMI will be presented by an exhibition located in the foyer of the 3rd floor.
The Virtual Museum of Mathematics and Informatics in Bulgaria will be officially opened during the solemn celebration. Colleagues and guests of the event will be able to see some of the museum's exhibits on spot.
Guests of IMI will be able to visit an exhibition featuring periodicals, monographs, and books published in recent years by IMI scientists. The exhibition will be located in IMI's library.
Conference program, as well as more information about the official celebration, can be found on the Institute's website.