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Award in mathematics Rose and Irving Saff was founded by prof. Edward Saff from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, who is a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in memory of his parents.

It is awarded each year to a student in mathematics for high achievements and excellence in mathematics.

Ekaterina was spotted by her professors at Plovdiv University during the first year of her studies. They noted that she was different from her classmates by her profound interest and enthusiasm with which she studied not only the teaching material, but because she constantly expanded her knowledge in various branches of mathematics.

Ekaterina Madamlieva has an excellent progress, in-depth knowledge and skills in courses in specialty "Applied Mathematics" and since the beginning of her studies in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Plovdiv University she demonstrated great research potential. In 2013 she won a bronze medal from the National Student Olympiad in Mathematics (NSOM). The following year, being only a second year student, she won a bronze medal at the III National Student Olympiad in Computational Mathematics "Acad. Stefan Dodunekov”(CompMath2014). In 2015, she is a gold medalist NSOM.
She reports results on the difference equations at the first Doctoral Conference in Mathematics and Informatics held in 2015 at IMI-BAS, and at prestigious international forums.

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