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Another prestigious award for prof. Nikolay Nikolov


At a solemn meeting, which took place on December 11, 2014, in the Great Hall of the Academy of Sciences, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences awarded 10 scientists and research teams from BAS, who participated in the Competition for Excellence, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the Academy.

The distinguished scientists and research teams received cash prizes, jubilee certificates and plaquettes..

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Prominent Bulgarian scientists and researchers attended the first public lecture by the prize-winner of the "John Atanasov Award" which took place on 9 October this year.

The Computational Linguistics specialist Dr. Slav Petrov is the twelfth winner of the Presidential Award "John Atanasov" which is awarded for achievements in the field of information and communication technologies.

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The Rose and Irving Saff Award in mathematics was founded by prof. Edward Saff from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, who is a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in memory of his parents..

It is awarded each year to a mathematics student for high achievements and excellence in mathematics.

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President Rosen Plevneliev visited IMI


Working Visit of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev, at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS

On February 10, 2014, the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev, visited the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The researchers at the Institute presented to the President their main achievements in the field of mathematics, informatics and their applications as well as the Institute's integration within the European and world research space.

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