Публикувано на 02.11.2017 г.:

 На вниманието на тези, които се интересуват от иновации в образованието, е една нова инициатива на Scientix  за споделяне на опит,  добри практики и идеи, свързани с  преодоляване на “джендър стереотипи“ в образованието по точни науки (STEM). Специално внимание ще бъде отделено на ролята на интегриране на образованието по STEM с изкуството (STEAM). Ето и съобщението в оригинал:

 We would like to inform you also the upcoming Scientix Projects' Networking Event (SPNE12) on the topic of Gender and Innovation in STE(A)M Education. This event is co-organized by Scientix, PERFORM and GEDII and will be taking place next December 5th (from 9:30 to 14h) in the Future Classroom Lab of European Schoolnet, in Brussels.

 The aim of the meeting is:

  • To share experiences and initiatives addressing gender aspects in science education through innovative ways;
  • To reflect upon the role of arts-based approaches for combating gender stereotypes and bias within science and beyond;
  • To provide a platform for exploring how arts-based approaches provide both an opportunity for renewing science education as well as tackling gender bias in educational as well as collaborative contexts.

Experts and representatives of projects working on the topic, as well as researchers, policy makers and/or other interested education stakeholders are expected to join this event.

If interested in attending, please fill in the following registration form: http://www.scientix.eu/networking-event/12th-spne-before.

* Please note there is a maximum of 25 places. Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Scientix will provide with lunch. However, participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses (costs are not eligible under Scientix).

Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested and do not hesitate to contact Marina Jimenez in CC (marina.jimenez@eun.org) for any further questions about this event.

Публикувано на 05.09.2017 г.:

Две нови инициативи на Scientix:

1)      Ако искате да станете посланик на Scientix, запишете се за подготвителен курс (до 20 септември т.г. ) на адрес:



2)      За да се регистрирате за он-лайн курсове за директори на училища и съветници по кариерно развитие в областта на точните науки (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), използвайте следния адрес:
