Eight International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications
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NMA 2014Dates:August 20-24, 2014Place:Borovetz, BulgariaOrganised byInstitute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Conference website:
The 8th International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications
NMA 2014
August 20 – 24, 2014, Borovets, Bulgaria
organized by
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
in cooperation with
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski",
The conference is devoted to the 145th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
104th European Study Group with Industry
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104th ESGI - 2014Dates:September 23-27, 2014Place:Sofia, BulgariaOrganized by:Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University
Conference website:
The 104th European Study Group with Industry
September 23 - 27, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
is organized by
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
in cooperation with
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Informatics in Scientific Knowledge 2014 - International Scientific Conference
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- Hits: 667

16.05.2014 - Submission of the approved papers
30.05.2014 - Submission of the final version
27 – 29 June 2014, Varna
Organized by
Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar"
the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The conference is jointly chaired by
Prof. Dr.Sc. Anna Nedyalkova, President of VFU
Corr. Member, Prof. Dr.Sc.Julian Revalski, Director of IMI at BAS.
From 27 to 29 June 2014 the Fifth International Conference "Informatics in Scientific Knowledge" - ISK’2012, organized by Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Science will be carried out in Varna. The achievements in application of informatics and information technologies in scientific knowledge will be discussed in the presented papers. Special attention will be paid to the information support in teaching and research work.
- Informatics in economics, management and culture
- Informatics in public administration, law and corporate security
- Informatics in engineering and technologies
- Informatics in education
- Mathematical methods in informatics
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES - Bulgarian and English
- 10 May, 2014 - Submission of an application for participation in the conference, including the thematic field and a summary of the paper up to 20 lines;
- 16 May, 2014 - Submission of the approved papers ;
- 30 May 2014 – Submission of the final version of the approved papers, accompanied by the number of the document for paid fee and a request for an accommodation booking for the participants and the accompanying people (names, date of arrival, date of departure , number of nights);
- 26 June, 2014from 2:00to 5:00 p.m.–Registration of the participants and 27June, 2014from9:00a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00to 5:00 p.m.- Registration of the participants;
- 27 June, 2014 – Conference opening;
- 28June, 2014 – Closing ceremony;
- 29 June, 2014 – Social program;
Proceedings of papers “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”
Characteristic of the Proceedings: book with a CD
Language of publication: English
by 10 June, 2014
• for foreigners – € 80
• for Bulgarians – BGN 80
Preferential fee:
• for doctoral students – EUR 40
Additional fees:
• second report is charged – EUR 35;
• for co-author, participating in the conference – EUR 40 /not including official dinner, the Proceedings and the CD /;
• additional payment for dinner – EUR 25;
• additional payment for Proceedings and a CD from the conference – EUR 15;
The participation fees can be paid by bank transfer (EUR bank account)
Alianz Bank Bulgaria AD
IBAN: BG76 BUIN 7006 1025036424
Varna Free University “Cherorizets Hrabar”
Reason: Conference ISC 2014
Thereason for paymentmustindicate also yourPIN.
After 10 June, 2014 or at the time of registration (cash), the fees shall be increased by 10%.
Varna 9007
Chaika resort
Varna Free University
Faculty of International Economics and Administration, Department of Informatics, for the conference ISK 2014
e-mail: isk@vfu.bg,iskvfu@gmail.com
phone: 052/ 359 572;
fax: 052/ 359 575
Organizing Secretary :
Antonina Ivanova phone: 0889/ 280 560
Technivcal Secretary:
Pavleta Krasteva phone: 052/ 359 572
The maximum number of papers with which each author can participate alone or in co-authorship, is two. The volume of the papers, including figures, tables, diagrams, references and the summary should be up to 12 pages.
• Language – English;
• Font – Arial;
• Page Setup – Top: 20 mm, Bottom: 15 mm, Left: 20 mm, Right: 20 mm;
• Page size – А4;
• Line spacing - Single;
• Text indent - (new line of a paragraph) - 1 cm.;
• Title - Font size 14, justified, Bold;
• One blank line;
• Name and surname of the author (the authors) - Font Size 12, justified;
• One Blank line;
• Summary – Font size 10, Italic, 5-6 lines;
• Key words - Font size 10, Italic, 1-2 lines;
• One blank line;
• Paper text – Font size 12;
• After the references – full name of the author (s), academic rank, academic degree, position, workplace, phone, e-mail;
• Figures (black and white) must be integrated into the text, with numbers and captions - beneath them, justified;
• Tables should be numbered and designated - above them, right-justified;
• Formulas should be numbered - with numbers in brackets, right-justified;
• Literature cited in the text should be indicated by numbers enclosed in square brackets;
• Literature cited should be arranged alphabetically by the first author’s surname and to be listed according to the requirements;
• Pages must not be numbered;
BSACA 2014 - 9th Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference: Astroinformatics
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- Hits: 1161

Sofia, Bulgaria
02 – 04 July 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
under the auspices of
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Astronomical Observatory Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical Observatory, BAS
Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University ''St. Kliment Ohridski''
Faculty of Mathematics and Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade
Society of Astronomers of Serbia
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Ognyan Kounchev, (Co-chairman), Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS
Darko Jevremovic, (Co-chairman) Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
Milan S. Dimitrijevic, Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
Milcho K. Tsvetkov, Institute of Astronomy with NAO, and IMI, BAS, Sofia
Luka Ch. Popovic, Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
Zoran Simic, Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
Zarko Mijajlovic, Mathematical Faculty, Belgrade
Katya Tsvetkova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia
Vasil Popov, Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, BAS, Sofia
Nikola Petrov, Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, BAS, Sofia
Petko Nedialkov, Astronomical Observatory, Sofia University, Sofia
Local Organizing Committee:
Ognyan Kounchev (Co-chairman), Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia
Milcho Tsvetkov (Co-chairman), Institute of Astronomy and IMI, Sofia
Viktoria Naumova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia
Anna Sameva, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia
Katya Tsvetkova, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia
Svetla Boeva, Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Sofia
Momchil Dechev, Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Sofia
Damyan Kalaglarsky, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia
For list of registered participants click here.