Section "Mathematical Foundations of Informatics"
Section "Mathematical Foundations of Informatics" (MFI) was founded in 1989 with first staff members Stephen Dodunekov (head), Vladimir Zanev, Krasimir Manev, Daniela Popova and Nikolai Manev (secretary) . At the beginning of 1993 the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Veliko Tarnovo) joined the section. Currently, employees of the department work in Sofia and Veliko Tarnovo.
The main activities of the department are research, applications and training in coding theory, combinatorics, computer algebra, theoretical computer science.
The Department carried out expert activities by:
Assessment of security systems for protection of information;
Construction and maintenance of information systems for modeling and simulation of fires and other disasters;
Assessment of the behavior of error-correcting codes at their various implementations, selection of appropriate noise protection codes for specific applications;
Application of codes for communication and memory;
Development of mathematical methods for the design, evaluation and implementation of cryptographic primitives for data protection;
Digitalization, storage, backup and data protection, semantic and linguistic knowledge representation on the Internet in the field of preservation and presentation of cultural heritage.
Members from the Department give lectures in Coding Theory, Cryptology, Combinatorics, Computer Algebra, Data protection, Algorithms, Databases, Programming, Data Transmission, Discrete Mathematics and others.
Scientific seminars are organized by the section every month.
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics - jointly with the Faculty " Mathematics and Informatics" , University "St. Cyril and Methodius "
Interdisciplinary Seminar " Information Society " - in conjunction with the University " St. Cyril and Methodius", Institute of System Engineering and Robotics and NMU " Vasil Levski "
Coding Theory - in IMI .
Section MFI is the founder and organizer of annual National Seminar on Coding Theory (over 20 issues). Participants of this workshop defended more than 30 theses for obtaining educational and scientific degree "doctor" and six thesis to obtain scientific degree "doctor of sciences".
Section MFI is co-organizer of two international scientific conferences:
International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory;
International workshop on optimal codes and related topics.
Recognizing the achievements of young employees of the department is winning in 2006 by Dr. Hristo Kostadinov prestigious John Atanasov, awarded annually by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Bulgarian young scientist for significant contributions to the development of information technology.
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- Category: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- Created: 20 November 2017
- Hits: 954
Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory - 2012
Optimal Codes and Related Topics - 2013
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- Category: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- Created: 12 September 2017
- Hits: 471
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- Category: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- Created: 12 September 2017
- Hits: 408
- Details
- Category: Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- Created: 12 September 2017
- Hits: 508