Scientific Calendar
Reading Seminar in Algebraic Geometry
Friday, 31. March 2017, 14:30
Hits : 322
Reading Seminar in Algebraic Geometry
Time and date: March 31, 2017 (Friday), 2:30 pm
Place: room 503, IMI
Topic: Operads, vertex algebras and formal diffeomorphisms 5: operadic algebras
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Nikolay M. Nikolov (INRNE)
In this lecture we give operadic description of some popular classes of algebras, such as commutative, associative and differential algebras. As a generalization of the latter we obtain the class of vertex algebras. Materials from the previous lectures are available on the seminar webpage and at
Contact: Peter Dalakov,
Location: Room 503, IMI - BAS
Website of the seminar: