Scientific Calendar
Joint Seminar of Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Tuesday, 8. March 2016, 14:00
Hits : 479
The next meeting of the Joint Seminar of Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department will be held on March 8, 2016 at 14:00 in Room 478 of IMI.
A talk on:
New Proof of the Sector Theorem
will be delivered by Acad. Blagovest Sendov.
Everybody is invited.
Abstract. The lecture is dedicated to an elementary proof of the Sector Theorem: If a polynomial with real and non-negative coefficients has no zeros in a sector symmetric with respect to the real axis and starts from the origin, then all derivatives of this polynomial have no zeros in the same sector. Some applications of the Sector Theorem will be discussed including a refinement of the Gauss-Lucas theorem.
Contact: V. Milousheva,
Location: Room 478, IMI - BAS