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Annual Reporting Seminar of the Algebra and Logic Department

Friday, 8. January 2016, 10:00
Hits : 1067


Everybody is invited to take part in the Annual Reporting Seminar of the Algebra and Logic Department of IMI for 2015, which will be held on January 8, 2016 (Friday) at 10:00.

The duration of the seminar will depend on the amount of talks to be submitted.

The standard duration of a talk is 20 minutes but longer talks can also be allowed.

All those willing to deliver a talk, please send the title of your talk and the desired duration by December 25, 2015 (Friday) (and please specify the name of the presenter).

Please send your titles to Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Gelev (e-mail:

From Algebra and Logic Department

Contact: доц. Димитър Гелев (e-mail:
Location: ИМИ - БАН