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BIOMATH 2015: Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School

From Sunday, 14. June 2015 -  09:00
To Friday, 19. June 2015 - 17:00
Hits : 701


The annual international conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (Biomath) will take place from 14th to 19th June 2015 at the University centre Bachinovo, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, and will be hosted by the South-West University "N. Rilski"). The conference is devoted to recent research in life sciences based on applications of mathematics as well as mathematics applied to or motivated by biological studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering, environmental science, etc.

Biomath 2015 School for Young Scientists
The school comprises plenary lectures and sessions for contributed talks. The lectures at the school are of more introductory nature giving foundations and insight into the respective topic rather then focusing on new results and are presented by some of the keynote speakers of the conference. A central event for the school is the Hot Topics Workshop. Several scholars act as moderators, presenting "hot areas" and related open problems. All PhD students and young scientists participating in the conference are considered members of the school. Their presentations (oral or posters) will be assessed by a jury.

For more information about the conference, please visit:

Location: University centre Bachinovo, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria