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Algebra and Logic Seminar

Friday, 27. March 2015, 11:00
Hits : 453


Algebra and Logic Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar will be held on March 27, 2015 (Friday), at 11:00, in Room 578 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

A talk on

There is just one basic projection operator in discrete time ITL

will be delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Guelev.

Everybody is invited.

Projection operators are convenient for expressing temporal properties in time-sharing systems and concurrent systems in general. I review the temporal projection operators in Moszkowski's interval temporal logic (ITL) with discrete time starting with the one proposed by Halpern, Manna and Moszkowski in 1983. I show that all the newer projection operators are definable in ITL with the one from 1983. This automatically entails some of the basic theoretical results on these operators..




Contact: Algebra and Logic Department,
Location: Room 578, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics