Scientific Calendar
Algebra and Logic Seminar
Friday, 21. November 2014, 11:00
Hits : 322
Algebra and Logic Seminar
The next meeting of the seminar will be held on November 21, 2014 (Friday), at 11:00, in Room 578 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
A talk on
Donagi-Markman cubic for the generalised Hitchin system
will be delivered by Dr. Peter Dalakov, IMI - BAS.
Everybody is invited.
The Donagi-Markman cubic is the infinitesimal period map for families of abelian varieties (or complex tori), which admit a holomorphic symplectic (or Poisson) structure.
I will report on a joint work with U. Bruzzo, where we compute the cubic for the generalised (ramified) Hitchin system.
Contact: Algebra and Logic Department,
Location: Room 578, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics