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Algebra and Logic Seminar

Friday, 7. November 2014, 11:00
Hits : 292


Algebra and Logic Seminar

The next meeting of the seminar will be held on November 7, 2014 (Friday), at 11:00, in Room 578 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

A talk on

On a hitherto unexploited nonstandard extension of the finitary standpoint

will be delivered by Prof. Sam Sanders, Ghent University, Belgium.

Everybody is invited.

The primitive recursive functions are the class of number-theoretic functions obtained by dropping “unbounded search” from the definition of recursion. This class forms a strict subclass of the recursive functions definable in Peano Arithmetic, the usual axiomatization of arithmetic. Goedel famously proved that primitive recursion *in all finite types* exactly captures the recursive functions definable in Peano Arithmetic, i.e. extending primitive recursion to a larger class of objects yields a much larger class of recursive functions. Now, the bar recursive functionals form a strict extension of the primitive recursive functionals in all finite types, and it is a natural question if one can capture bar recursion by extending primitive recursion to a larger class of objects.
In this talk, we show that primitive recursion in all finite types *with nonstandard number parameters* captures bar recursion.




Contact: Algebra and Logic Department,
Location: Room 578, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics