Scientific Calendar
Biomathematics Seminar
The Biomathematics Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organizes a scientific seminar, which will take place on February 26, 2014, at 11:00 in Room 503 of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 8.
Speaker: Dr Abdel KENOUFI, University of Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France .
Title: Presentation of pseudo-intervals arithmetic. Numerical applications to linear algebra, optimization and set inversion problems
Abstract: One introduces the pseudo-intervals arithmetic which is is based on free algebras of dimension higher than four. This permits to build inclusion functions which are defined univocally and avoid data dependencies. One exhibits some numerical applications to linear problems (matrix inversion, diagonalization), gradient-based optimization and set inversion.