Scientific Calendar
Sixth CMAPT Workshop: Computational Mathematics and APproximation Theory, September 5-9, 2017
From Tuesday, 5. September 2017 - 09:00
To Saturday, 9. September 2017 - 18:00
To Saturday, 9. September 2017 - 18:00
Hits : 263
6th CMAPT Workshop
(Computational Mathematics and APproximation Theory)
5 - 9 September 2017, Linz, Austria
Organized by
Doctoral Program Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Institute of Computational Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, Austria
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Location: Linz, Austria