Scientific Calendar
Joint Seminar of Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Tuesday, 10. January 2017, 14:00
Hits : 655
The next meeting of the Joint Seminar of Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department will be held on January 10, 2017 at 14:00 in Room 478 of IMI.
A talk on:
Excess Intersection and Differential Equisingularity
will be delivered by Antoni Rangachev.
Everybody is invited.
Abstract. We prove an excess intersection formula that determines the change of the top self-intersection numbers of families of Cartier divisors. We apply the formula to settle a long-standing problem of providing numerical control for Whitney (differential) equisingularity for families of arbitrary isolated singularities.
Contact: V. Milousheva,
Location: Room 478, IMI - BAS