Scientific Calendar
Reading Seminar in Algebraic Geometry
Friday, 23. May 2014, 14:00 - 16:00
Hits : 272
The first meeting of the renewed Reading Seminar in Algebraic Geometry will be held on May 23, 2014 at 14:00 in Room 503 of IMI.
A talk on:
Bundles with fiber a classifying space
will be delivered by Peter Dalakov, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Everybody is invited.
In this talk we are going to discuss (smooth and holomorphic) principal bundles with fibre a classifying space for an abelian group H. We are going to associate with such bundles a sheaf of categories. If G is a central extension of K by H, we are going to relate this sheaf to the obstruction to lifting a principal K-bundle to a principal G-bundle.
Contact: Peter Dalakov,
Location: Room 503, IMI - BAS
Website of the seminar: