NTADES 2016: New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences
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and Informatics
- English
The Third International Conference on New Trends of Differential Equations in Sciences is organized by the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Differential equations have a lot of applications in different scientific fields. This conference will be devoted to such applications. A number of phenomena in nature (physics, chemistry, biology) and in society (economics) result in problems leading to study of linear and nonlinear differential equations.
The conference consists of invited and contributed papers.
The proceedings will be published in a peer reviewed journal.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers on topics included but not limited to applications of differential equations in:
- Mathematical Physics;
- Mathematical Finance;
- Mathematical Biology;
- Nonlinear Waves;
- Fractional Analysis
- Mechanics;
- Neuroscience.
Program Committee:
- Prof. Angela Slavova, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, slavova@math.bas.bg - Chair
- Dr. Georgi Boyadzhiev, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, gpb@math.bas.bg - Secretary
- Prof. Nikolay Kutev, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, kutev@math.bas.bg
- Prof. Vladimir Georgiev, BAS and University of Pisa (Italy), georgiev@dm.unipi.it
- Prof. Tsviatko Rangelov, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, rangelov@math.bas.bg
- Prof. Pietro Zecca, Universita di Firenze, pietro.zecca@unifi.it
- Prof. Snezhana Hristova, University of Plovdiv, snezhi@gmail.com
- Prof. Elena Litsyn, Ben Gurion University (Israel), elena@cs.bgu.ac.il
- Prof. Alexander Domoshnitsky, Ariel University of Samaria, Israel, adom@ariel.ac.il
Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Nikolay Kyurkchiev, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, nkyurk@math.bas.bg
- Dr. Tihomir Valchev, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, tiv@math.bas.bg
- Prof. Georgi Chobanov, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, chobanov@math.bas.bg
- Dr. Borislav Yordanov, Inst. of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, byordanov@math.bas.bg
For more information, please visit the conference website