Mathematical Linguistics Department

Pavlov, Radoslav
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Pavlov, Radoslav
Professor, Ph.D
+359 2 979 3831
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 276
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Research interests:
Mathematical Linguistics and Knowledge Processing, Human Language Technologies, Information Society Technologies, Knowledge Technologies and Management, Semantic WEB services, Semantic Information Processing, Digital Libraries and Content Management Systems, Algorithmics, Theory of Computation, Discrete Mathematics.
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Professor, Ph.D, Associated Member
+359 2 979 2833
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 324
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Research interests:
Research and investigations in the field of Mathematical, Computational, Contrastive and Corpus Linguistics, Knowledge Representation, Human Language Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Discrete Mathematics. Basic results include creation of digital language resources & tools with a focus on Bulgarian: development of TEI-compliant lexical specifications for encoding and processing of digital corpora and lexica, comparable and multilingual corpora (parallel, annotated, and aligned) – MTE Bulgarian-English, Bulgarian-Polish, Bulgarian-Slovak, and Bulgarian-Polish-Lithuanian, lexical databases for integrated multilingual resources and mono- and bilingual digital dictionaries.
Pericliev, Vladimir
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Pericliev, Vladimir
Professor, Ph.D
+359 2 979 2877
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 367
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Research interests:
Research interests include linguistics, computational linguistics and Artificial Intelligence, with focus on building and applying computational discovery tools to diverse problems from linguistic typology, historical linguistics. Basic results include the first monograph in machine linguistic discovery; the first discovery program to present its discoveries in a scientific article (in English); machine-initiated discovery of the hypothesis of a linguistic link between Oceania and South America having far-reaching implications in science generally.
Radev, Slavian
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Radev, Slavian
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associated Member
+359 2 979 3833
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 225
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Research interests:
Mathematical logic, mathematical linguistics, knowledge and data discovery, Multi-agent systems, argumentation systems, set and class theories, discrete mathematics, artificial intelligence, tests, voting systems, modal logics, markets, ethnography, programming languages, informatics, science fundaments, systems, grammar, games, semiotics, sci. ethics, ontologies, etc.
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Derzhanski, Ivan
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2867
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 363
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Research interests:
Тheoretical and Contrastive Linguistics, Typology, Semantics, Evaluative Morphology, Aspectology, Writing Systems, Quantitative Methods in Linguistics, Computational Morphology, Computational Lexicography, Methodology of Linguistics.
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