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Academic Personnel

Information Modeling Department

Saranova, Emiliya
Information Modeling Department
Saranova, Emiliya
Associate Professor, PhD
+3592 979 2825
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 519
Research Interests:
Mathematical and Information Modeling in Telecommunications, Theory of Mass Services, Discrete Mathematics, Application of Computer Algebra for Scientific Investigations.
Information Modeling Department
Spiridonova, Margarita
Professor, PhD, Associated Member
+3592 979 2837
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 527
Research Interests:
Computer algebra (algorithms, systems and applications),Information Modeling.
Sybeva, Nevena
Information Modeling Department
Sybeva, Nevena
Chief Assistant Professor
+3592 979 2825
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 519
Research Interests:
Math education, technologically supported training, information modeling.
Information Modeling Department
Tabov, Jordan
Professor, D.Sc., Associated Member
+3592 979 2895
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 261
Research Interests:
Methodology of Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in the Humanities, Information Modeling, Differential Equations, Geometry.
Todorov, Venelin
Information Modeling Department
Todorov, Venelin
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Office 559
Research Interests:
Разработване на числени методи за математическо и информатично моделиране и приложения. Монте Карло и квази-Монте Карло методи за многомерни интеграли, интегрални уравнения и линейни системи. Стохастичните методи за анализ на чувствителност на големи математически модели. Числени методи, базирани на точкови множества от тип решетка, с различни генериращи вектори. Сравнения на квазислучайни редици с нисък дискрепанс.  Компактни диференчни схеми с висок ред на точност за моделни задачи в екологията.  Приложения на числените методи с висок ред на точност в екология, физика, квантова механика, финанси, статистика, биология и комуникационни технологии. 

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Baicheva, Tsonka
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
+359 62 623 952
P.O. box 323
78 Nikola Gabrovski street
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
Coding Theory: covering radii of codes, optimal codes, decoding, Computer communications: error control performance of codes, Combinatorics, Algorithms.

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Bogdanova, Galina
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 62 623952
78 Gabrovski Str., P.O. box 323
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
Coding theory - optimal codes, equidistant codes, Data protection - steganography, watermarking, Information technologies -interdisciplinary methods, Databases, Semantic Web, Multimedia Digital Libraries and Content Management Systems, Methods of preservation and presentation of cultural heritage, Digitalization.
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Bouyukliev, Iliya
Professor, D.Sc.
+359 62 623952
78 Gabrovski Str., P.O. box 323
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Publications: http://...
Research Interests:
Комбинаторни алгоритми и кодове - алгоритми за изоморфизъм, алгоритми за генериране и класификация, теория на кодирането - граници за кодове, оптимални кодове, автоморфизми на кодове, алгебра, крайни полета, криптография.

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Boyvalenkov, Peter
Professor, DSc
+359 2 979 2806
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, Office 563
Sofia, Slatina region 1113
Research Interests:
Algebra: Linear Algebra in Euclidean Spaces, Finite Fields; Geometry: Codes and Designs in Polynomial Metric Spaces, Packings and Coverings; Combinatorics: Orthogonal Arrays, t-Designs, Strongly Regular Graphs, Association Schemes – Spherical Designs, Designs in Projective Spaces; Coding Theory: Bounds for Codes, Optimal Codes
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Kolev, Emil
Associate Professor, D.Sc., Head of the Department
+359 2 979 2893
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Office 565
Research Interests:
Coding theory, query problems, covering problems.

Piperkov, Paskal
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Piperkov, Paskal
+359 62 623952
78 Gabrovski Str., P.O. box 323
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
Modal logic, analysis of functions of one real variable, linear codes, discrete harmonic analysis, algebraic structures, education of mathematics, theology, cultural tourism. 
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Topalova, Svetlana
Professor, Ph.D.
+359 62 623952
P.O. box 323
78 Nikola Gabrovski street
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
construction, properties and classification up to equivalence of combinatorial designs and related structures, namely resolvable designs, doubly resolvable designs, orthogonal resolutions,  multiple designs, Hadamard matrices, error-correcting codes, spreads and parallelisms of projective spaces,  optical orthogonal codes.
Veselin Vavrek
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Veselin Vavrek
Assistant Professor
78 Gabrovski Str., P.O. box 323
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
Coding Theory, Cryptography, Number Theory
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Zhelezova, Stela
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 62 623952
78 Gabrovski Str., P.O. box 323
Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo 5000
Research Interests:
resolvable designs, doubly resolvable designs, orthogonal resolutions, spreads and parallelisms of projective spaces, cryptographic primitives, algorithms
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Борисов, Юри
доцент, д-р
+359 2 979 2878
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 359
Research Interests:
Криптология, теория на кодирането, дискретна математика.

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Бумова, Силвия
гл.ас., д-р
+359 2 979 2821
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 556
Research Interests:
Алгебра (Линейна алгебра в Евклидови пространсва, Теория на групите, Крайни полета),  геометрия (Кодове и дизайни в полиномиални метрични пространства),  комбинаторика (Сферични дизайни, Дизайни в проективни пространства), теория на кодирането (Граници на кодове, Оптимални кодове), криптография.

Ваврек, Веселин
Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Ваврек, Веселин
гл.ас., д-р
Велико Търново, 5000, ул. Никола Габровски - 78, стая 4
Research Interests:
Теория на кодирането, Криптография, Теория на числата.

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Костадинов, Христо
доцент, д-р, секретар на секцията
+359 2 979 2832
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 357
Research Interests:
Теория на кодирането и приложението й в кодова модулация, водни знаци и флаш-памети.

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Манев, Николай
доцент, д-р
+359 2 979 2821
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 554
Research Interests:
Теория на кодирането, компютърна алгебра, високо производителни изчисления.

Mathematical Linguistics Department

Mathematical Linguistics Department
Derzhanski, Ivan
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2867
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 363
Research Interests:
Тheoretical and Contrastive Linguistics, Typology, Semantics, Evaluative Morphology, Aspectology, Writing Systems, Quantitative Methods in Linguistics, Computational Morphology, Computational Lexicography, Methodology of Linguistics.