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Academic Personnel

Information Modeling Department

Information Modeling Department
Andonov, Velin
Assistant Professor
Information Modeling Department
Ivanova, Krassimira B.
Associate Professor, PhD
+3592 979 2846
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 322
Research Interests:
General Theory of Information, Software Engineering.
Information Modeling Department
Markov, Krassimir
Associate Professor, PhD
+3592 979 2828
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 322
Research Interests:
Software Engineering,General Theory of Information.
Information Modeling Department
Poryazov, Stoyan
Associate Professor, PhD, Head of the Department
+3592 979 2846
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 518
Research Interests:
Modeling and study of the traffic of telecommunication and computer systems in order to support their design, management and evolution, development of methods and tools of information modeling and its application.
Saranova, Emiliya
Information Modeling Department
Saranova, Emiliya
Associate Professor, PhD
+3592 979 2825
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 519
Research Interests:
Mathematical and Information Modeling in Telecommunications, Theory of Mass Services, Discrete Mathematics, Application of Computer Algebra for Scientific Investigations.
Information Modeling Department
Spiridonova, Margarita
Professor, PhD, Associated Member
+3592 979 2837
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 527
Research Interests:
Computer algebra (algorithms, systems and applications),Information Modeling.
Sybeva, Nevena
Information Modeling Department
Sybeva, Nevena
Chief Assistant Professor
+3592 979 2825
София, 1113, ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", блок №8, стая 519
Research Interests:
Math education, technologically supported training, information modeling.
Information Modeling Department
Tabov, Jordan
Professor, D.Sc., Associated Member
+3592 979 2895
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Room 261
Research Interests:
Methodology of Mathematics, Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in the Humanities, Information Modeling, Differential Equations, Geometry.
Todorov, Venelin
Information Modeling Department
Todorov, Venelin
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Office 559
Research Interests:
Разработване на числени методи за математическо и информатично моделиране и приложения. Монте Карло и квази-Монте Карло методи за многомерни интеграли, интегрални уравнения и линейни системи. Стохастичните методи за анализ на чувствителност на големи математически модели. Числени методи, базирани на точкови множества от тип решетка, с различни генериращи вектори. Сравнения на квазислучайни редици с нисък дискрепанс.  Компактни диференчни схеми с висок ред на точност за моделни задачи в екологията.  Приложения на числените методи с висок ред на точност в екология, физика, квантова механика, финанси, статистика, биология и комуникационни технологии.