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Academic Personnel

Algebra and Logic Department

Algebra and Logic Department
Kanev, Vassil
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 3875
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 476
Research Interests:
Koppitz, Jörg
Algebra and Logic Department
Koppitz, Jörg
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 2830
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 511
Research Interests:
Algebra, Semigroup Theory, Transformation Semigroups, Universal Algebra, Clone Theory, Varieties of algebraic structures, discrete functions

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Kiryakova, Virginia
Professor, D.Sc.
+3592 979 3805, +359 2 947 8612
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 309
Research Interests:
Fractional Calculus, Special Functions, Integral Transforms, Differential Equations.
Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Kovacheva, Ralitza
Professor, D.Sc.
+3592 979 3815
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 314
Research Interests:
Approximations by rational functions in the complex plane: Pade approximation, best rational approximation, orthogonal polynomials, rate of approximation; complex analysis, potential theory, numerical analysis, mathematical modelling.

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Karadjov, Georgi
Professor, D.Sc.
+3592 979 3882
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 461
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
The research interests of Prof. Karadjov include partial non-linear differential equations; interpolation and extrapolation spaces and application to functional spaces; Local solvability for PDEs with double characteristics; convergence or summability of the series of global eigenfunctions of elliptical operators in Rn; spectral asymptotic and assessment of pseudo-differential operators of Schrodinger-Teplitz.
Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Kutev, Nikolay
Professor, D.Sc.
+359 2 979 3876
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 469
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
The research interests of Prof. Kutev are in the field of non-linear elliptic and parabolic equations and systems appearing in geometry, physics and engineering: e.g. the minimum surface equation, the equation of Monge-Ampere, the equation of anisotopic diffusion in the theory image clarification, viscose solutions, diffraction problems of equations with non-continuous coefficients and others. The total number of publications of Prof. Kutev is 64, where 63 are printed, and 1 is on the way. Of these, 36 were published abroad, 18 are in journals with Impact factor. Publications of Prof. Kutev been cited 85 times in 73 articles, 7 of which in English journals and 68 magazines in the world. In 1990, 1991 Prof. Kutev was a Humboldt scholar at the University of Karlsruhe and Heidelberg, Germany, and guest researcher in Heidelberg in 1992, 1993, 1994 in Bonn, 1995-1999 in Cologne -- Germany.

Education in Mathematics and Informatics Department

Education in Mathematics and Informatics Department
Kortezov, Ivaylo
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3849
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, Office 420
Research Interests:
General Topology, Functional Analysis, Cardinal Invariants

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics Department
Kolev, Emil
Associate Professor, D.Sc., Head of the Department
+359 2 979 2893
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, Office 565
Research Interests:
Coding theory, query problems, covering problems.

Mathematical Linguistics Department

Kotuzov, Nikolay
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Kotuzov, Nikolay
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Research Interests:
Computational linguistics, machine translation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, knowledge and data extraction.

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department

Kolkovska, Natalia
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Kolkovska, Natalia
Prof., Ph.D.
+3592 979 3868
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 462
Research Interests:
My fields of interests are the numerical methods for partial differential and integral equations with special emphasis on finite differences, finite element and boundary element methods. These methods are applied for developing mathematical models of some industrial and physical processes.
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Krastanov, Mikhail
Prof., D.Sc.
+3592 979 2811
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 530
Research Interests:
Application of geometrical methods in control theory, Mathematical applications in biosciences, economic and etc.
Kyurkchiev, Nikolay
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Kyurkchiev, Nikolay
Prof., Associate member
+3592 979 3870
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 466
Research Interests:
Numerical methods, Approximation theory.

Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department

Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Kelevedjiev, Emil
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 3850
Sofia, 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, room 416
Research Interests:
Operation Research, Algorithms for Optimization, Competitive Programming.
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Kenderov, Petar
Acad., Prof. D.Sc., Associated Member
+359 2 979 2881
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, Office 229
Research Interests:
General topology (set-valued mappings), Functional analysis
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Kitanov, Nikolay
Assoc. Prof., PhD
Blagoevgrad, 2700
Research Interests:
Differential inclusions, Differential equations, Optimal control, Optimization, Decision making support systems.
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Kounchev, Ognyan
Professor Dr.Sci.
+359 2 979 3851
Sofia, 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, room 426
Research Interests:
Operations research.
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Krachunov, Rossen
Assistant Professor
+359 2 979 3856
Sofia, 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8, room 421
Research Interests:
Risk theory. Financial and insurance mathematics.      
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Kutzarova, Denka
Professor, Dr.Sci.
+359 2 979 2839
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, room 528
Research Interests:
Functional Analysis; Approximation theory.

Software Engineering and Information Systems Department

Kaloyanova, Kalinka
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Kaloyanova, Kalinka
Professor, Ph.D.
IMI, room № 375
Research Interests:
Databases; Information Systems; IT Services.