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Academic Personnel

Algebra and Logic Department

Algebra and Logic Department
Dalakov, Peter
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 2824
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 562
Research Interests:
(Complex) algebraic geometry, (nonabelian) Hodge theory and mathematical physics.
Algebra and Logic Department
Dobrev, Dimiter
+3592 979 2862
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 509
Research Interests:
Artificial intelligence and logic programming; transliterations and keyboard layouts.
Drensky, Vesselin
Algebra and Logic Department
Drensky, Vesselin
Academician, Professor, D.Sc., Director of IMI
+3592 979 2820
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 566
Research Interests:
Combinatorial and computational ring theory, noncommutative algebra, algebras with polynomial identity, automorphisms and derivations of polynomial and free algebras,
commutative and noncommutative invariant theory, group representations, theory of symmetric functions, group algebras, and coding theory.

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Davidov, Yohan
Professor, D.Sc.
+3592 979 3800
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 323
Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Dimkov, Georgi
Chief Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 3816
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 316
Research Interests:
Functions of complex variables: conformal mappings, univalent functions, special classes of univalent functions.
Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Dimovski, Ivan
Corresponding Member, Professor, D.Sc., Honorary Member of IMI
+3592 979 3804
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 307

Mathematical Linguistics Department

Mathematical Linguistics Department
Derzhanski, Ivan
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2867
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 363
Research Interests:
Тheoretical and Contrastive Linguistics, Typology, Semantics, Evaluative Morphology, Aspectology, Writing Systems, Quantitative Methods in Linguistics, Computational Morphology, Computational Lexicography, Methodology of Linguistics.
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Professor, Ph.D, Associated Member
+359 2 979 2833
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 324
Research Interests:
Research and investigations in the field of Mathematical, Computational, Contrastive and Corpus Linguistics, Knowledge Representation, Human Language Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Discrete Mathematics. Basic results include creation of digital language resources & tools with a focus on Bulgarian: development of TEI-compliant lexical specifications for encoding and processing of digital corpora and lexica, comparable and multilingual corpora (parallel, annotated, and aligned) – MTE Bulgarian-English, Bulgarian-Polish, Bulgarian-Slovak, and Bulgarian-Polish-Lithuanian, lexical databases for integrated multilingual resources and mono- and bilingual digital dictionaries.

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department

Dimitrova, Neli
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Dimitrova, Neli
Prof., Ph.D., Head of the Deparmtent
+3592 979 2811, +3592 979 3822
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 530
Research Interests:
Dynamical systems, Applications in mathematical modeling of bioprocesses, Computer-oriented numerical analysis
Dimova, Milena
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Dimova, Milena
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
+3592 979 3871
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 470
Research Interests:
Numerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equations – finite element and finite difference methods; algorithms and scientific software; Numerical analysis of nonlinear and spectral problems in hydrodynamics, quantum mechanics, nonlinear heat - conducting medium; Numerical investigation of solutions to generalized Boussinesq’s type equations; Global solvability or finite time blow up of Cauchy problem for generalized Boussinesq’s type equations.
Draganov, Borislav
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Draganov, Borislav
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
+3592 979 3864
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 454
Research Interests:
I carry out research mostly in the field of approximation theory. In the recent years I have been particularly interested in establishing a precise and useful characterization of the rate of convergence of various approximation processes generated either by linear operators or by non-linear as best (weighted) approximation by algebraic or trigonometric polynomials. My research also includes interpolation, (generalized) Fourier expansions, orthogonal polynomials, quadrature formulae, multipliers, application of Fourier analysis in approximation theory, and functional analysis.

Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department

Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Dencheva, Darinka
Sen. Assist. Prof., PhD
+3592 979 3852
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, Office 424
Research Interests:
Operations research, Stochastic optimization
Operations Research, Probability and Statistics Department
Donchev, Assen
Professor, D.Sc., Associated Member
+3592 979 3845
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, Office 406
Research Interests:
Applied Analysis, Optimization, Control, Approximation theory, Differential equations, Numerical Analysis

Software Engineering and Information Systems Department

Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Dimov, Alexander
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
IMI, room № 375
Research Interests:
Software Architectures, Autonomous Software Systems, Software Quality Requirements.