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Library of IMI

Academic Personnel

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Apostolov, Vestislav
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
+3592 979 3800
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 323
Research Interests:
Complex differential geometry, algebraic geometry, global analysis.

Education in Mathematics and Informatics Department

Angelova, Rumiana
Education in Mathematics and Informatics Department
Angelova, Rumiana
+359 2 979 2836
Sofia 1113, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Street, Block 8, Room 576
Research Interests:
Inspirational education in mathematics and computer science

Information Modeling Department

Information Modeling Department
Andonov, Velin
Assistant Professor

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department

Andreev, Andrey
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Andreev, Andrey
Assoc. Prof., Dr., Associate member
+3592 979 3874
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 468
Research Interests:
Numerical methods, Approximation theory, Data compression
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Angelow, Krassimir
Ph.D. Student, M.Sc.
+3592 979 3863
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 457
Research Interests:

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Anguelov, Roumen
Prof., Dr., Associate Member
+3592 979 2831
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 513
Research Interests:
Dynamical systems, Mathematical modeling and applications to biology, Computer oriented numerical analysis

Software Engineering and Information Systems Department

Angelova, Vesela
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Angelova, Vesela
Assistant, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3821
IMI, room № 273
Research Interests:
Test approach for the evaluation of software products; Аnalysis of compression and encryption algorithms.