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Library of IMI

Academic Personnel

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department

Stoyanova, Daniela
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Stoyanova, Daniela
+3592 979 3866
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 456
Trifonov, Ognyan
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Trifonov, Ognyan
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
+3592 979 3864
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 454
Research Interests:
Аnalytic number theory.
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Department
Zikatanov, Ludmil
Prof., Ph.D., Associate member
+359 2 979 6794
1113, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 "Academik Georgi Bonchev" str., room 474
Research Interests:
Numerical Analysis and Applications