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Academic Personnel

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Karadjov, Georgi
Professor, D.Sc.
+3592 979 3882
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 461
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
The research interests of Prof. Karadjov include partial non-linear differential equations; interpolation and extrapolation spaces and application to functional spaces; Local solvability for PDEs with double characteristics; convergence or summability of the series of global eigenfunctions of elliptical operators in Rn; spectral asymptotic and assessment of pseudo-differential operators of Schrodinger-Teplitz.
Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Kutev, Nikolay
Professor, D.Sc.
+359 2 979 3876
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 469
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
The research interests of Prof. Kutev are in the field of non-linear elliptic and parabolic equations and systems appearing in geometry, physics and engineering: e.g. the minimum surface equation, the equation of Monge-Ampere, the equation of anisotopic diffusion in the theory image clarification, viscose solutions, diffraction problems of equations with non-continuous coefficients and others. The total number of publications of Prof. Kutev is 64, where 63 are printed, and 1 is on the way. Of these, 36 were published abroad, 18 are in journals with Impact factor. Publications of Prof. Kutev been cited 85 times in 73 articles, 7 of which in English journals and 68 magazines in the world. In 1990, 1991 Prof. Kutev was a Humboldt scholar at the University of Karlsruhe and Heidelberg, Germany, and guest researcher in Heidelberg in 1992, 1993, 1994 in Bonn, 1995-1999 in Cologne -- Germany.