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Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department

Bobeva, Galya
Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Bobeva, Galya
Ph.D. student
+359 2 979 2841
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 520
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
Cellular Nonlinear Networks, Differential equations, Local Activity Theory, Dynamical Systems.
Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Department
Boyadjiev, Georgi
Assoc. Prof.,Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2842
Acad. G. Bonchev St., building 8, office 514
Sofia, 1113
Research Interests:
The research interests of Dr. Boyadzhiev include: the comparison principle for systems of elliptic and parabolic differential equations; PDEs, including both cooperative, and non-cooperative systems; movement of waves in a solid body - in particular, the use of characteristics to track the path of seismic waves from an earthquake source to reception stations; development of methods for choosing the optimal solution of nonlinear vapor problem in mathematical modelling of Earth structure; deterministic models in geophysics and financial markets.