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Library of IMI

Academic Personnel

Mathematical Linguistics Department

Paneva-Marinova, Desislava
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Paneva-Marinova, Desislava
Associate Professor, Ph.D, Head of Department
+359 2 979 2874
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 271
Research Interests:
Multimedia Digital Libraries Services: Annotation and Semantic Indexing of Digital Objects, Metadata Management, Tools and Techniques for Navigation, Preview, Group, and Selection to Digital Objects/Collections and their Descriptions, Personalized and Adaptive Access to the Digital Content, etc., e-Learning Technologies and Standards, New Information Technologies and Environments for Distance Learning, Multimedia and Language Technologies, Knowledge and Semantic Web Technologies.
Pavlov, Radoslav
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Pavlov, Radoslav
Professor, Ph.D
+359 2 979 3831
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 276
Research Interests:
Mathematical Linguistics and Knowledge Processing, Human Language Technologies, Information Society Technologies, Knowledge Technologies and Management, Semantic WEB services, Semantic Information Processing, Digital Libraries and Content Management Systems, Algorithmics, Theory of Computation, Discrete Mathematics.
Pericliev, Vladimir
Mathematical Linguistics Department
Pericliev, Vladimir
Professor, Ph.D
+359 2 979 2877
Block 8, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Room 367
Research Interests:
Research interests include linguistics, computational linguistics and Artificial Intelligence, with focus on building and applying computational discovery tools to diverse problems from linguistic typology, historical linguistics. Basic results include the first monograph in machine linguistic discovery; the first discovery program to present its discoveries in a scientific article (in English); machine-initiated discovery of the hypothesis of a linguistic link between Oceania and South America having far-reaching implications in science generally.