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Academic Personnel

Software Engineering and Information Systems Department

Angelova, Vesela
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Angelova, Vesela
Assistant, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3821
IMI, room № 273
Research Interests:
Test approach for the evaluation of software products; Аnalysis of compression and encryption algorithms.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Bantchev, Boyko
Senior Assistant, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2871
IMI, room № 371
Research Interests:
Programming languages, Methodology of programming, Geometric computations and algorithms, Education in programming.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Branzov, Todor
PhD Student
+359 2 979 2879
IMI, room № 270
Research Interests:
Decision Support Software Systems, DSSS in Disaster Management, Collaborative Software Systems, Project Management, Virtual Communities, Software Engineering Process.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Dimov, Alexander
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
IMI, room № 375
Research Interests:
Software Architectures, Autonomous Software Systems, Software Quality Requirements.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Eskenazi, Avram
Professor Emeritus, Ph.D.
+359 979 2 2873
IMI, room № 361
Research Interests:
Software Quality, Agile Methodologies, Education on Informatics.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Georgiev, Mladen
+359 2 979 2879
IMI, room № 270
Iliev, Alexander
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Iliev, Alexander
Assistant, Ph.D.
IMI, room № 328
Research Interests:
Digital Signal Processing and Analysis in Speech and Audio Signals; Machine Learning; Data Hiding Using Speech and Audio Signals; Acoustics; Psychoacoustics and Architectural Acoustic Analysis
Iliev, Anton
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Iliev, Anton
Professor, Ph.D.
+359 32 261 759
Plovdiv, 4000, „Ruski“ Blvd 139
Research Interests:
Information systems, information modelling, distributed systems, numerical methods
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Ivanova, Krassimira
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3814
IMI, room № 321
Research Interests:
Data Mining, Image Retrieval, Data Bases, Information Systems, applied in areas such as: Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Disaster Risk Management, Analysis of Economical Processes, Education
Kaloyanova, Kalinka
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Kaloyanova, Kalinka
Professor, Ph.D.
IMI, room № 375
Research Interests:
Databases; Information Systems; IT Services.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Maneva, Nelly
Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2875
IMI, room № 369
Research Interests:
Software Technologies; Software Quality Requirements; Comparative Analysis; Software Development Models; Software Project Management.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Mitov, Iliya
Assistant, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3814
IMI, room № 321
Research Interests:
Data Mining, Knowledge Retrieval, Data Bases, Information systems, ERP-systems, Software and Web Design applied in areas such as: Analysis and Management of Economical and Natural Processes.
Nisheva, Maria
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Nisheva, Maria
Professor, Ph.D.
+359 2 979 3829
IMI, room № 506
Research Interests:
Functional Programming; Computer Algebra Systems; Knowledge Based Systems; Information Retrieval; Semantic Technologies.
Ovadiev, Anri
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Ovadiev, Anri
+359 2 979 3821
IMI, room № 273
Research Interests:
Relational Database Management Systems: Design, Architecture, SQL, Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control Techniques, Benchmarks for Comparison of Database Management Systems, Optimizers.
Ovtscharova, Rositza
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Ovtscharova, Rositza
+359 32 625008
Plovdiv, 4000, "Ruski" Blvd 139
Research Interests:
Cultural heritage and Information Systems, Digital Technologies for the presentation of museum Catalogs, Description of museum collections of archeological sites, Standards metadata description of museum collections
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Radev, Rumen
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.
+359 2 979 2864
IMI, room № 180
Research Interests:
Databases, Software migration, User interfaces, Software quality evaluation.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Shishkov, Boris
Assistant, Ph.D.
IMI, room № 318
Research Interests:
Adaptable (Context-Aware) Information Systems, IT (Service-Oriented) Architectures, Enterprise Modeling, Future Internet Applications for Traffic Surveillance and Management, e-Health Services and Technologies, Green IT Solutions, e-Voting / i-Voting
Simeonov, Georgi
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Simeonov, Georgi
+359 2 979 3818
IMI, room № 317
Research Interests:
Discrete Mathematics, Programming languages, parallel and distributed computing, cloud computing, information aggregation and retrieval.
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Sotirova, Kalina
Assistant; Scientific secretary
+359 2 979 3829
IMI, room № 506
Research Interests:
Educational computer games (EduTainment,  Digitization of cultural heritage - standards, Longterm preservation of digital heritage, WEB 2.0, WEB 3.0 Computer Graphics (Applications) and Design
Software Engineering and Information Systems Department
Stanchev, Peter
Prof., D.Sci, head of the department
+359 2 979 3814
IMI, room № 330
Research Interests:
1) Image and Video Processing: MPEG-21, MPEG-7, MPEG-4, SIFT. 2) Computer graphics: OPEN GL, Color theory, Java 2D and Java 3D, Maya, 3ds MAX 3) Medical imaging: Magnetic Resonance Images analysis, Segmentation, 3D reconstruction, Functional MRI 4) Game design:  LUA, XNA, Python, Sonics, Game generators: Blitz, I7, Game Factory, Inscape, Torque, Yoyo, Unity, Alice. 5) Multimedia Systems: Semantic web technology. Ontology. W3C's Web Ontology Language (OWL), Resource Description Framework (RDF), Content based image retrieval (CBIR). Digital Libraries. 6) Data Base Systems: Models 7) Information Retrieval and Data mining:  Association Rule mining, Classification - tree-based approaches, Neural Networks, Clustering basics, statistical approaches, Neural-net. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Expert Systems. 8) Web technology: Web2.0 tools. Ajax, Web Map Server (WMS), Web Feature Server (WFS), XML (Extensible Markup Language), RSS, RDF (Resource Description Framework), Web 2.0 mash-ups, Java Script, Java Applets, MySQL and PHP, PERL, ASP.Net. Electronic comers.