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Academic Personnel

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department

Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Sendov, Blagovest
Academician, Associated Member
+3592 979 3893
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 404
Research Interests:
Geometry of polynomials, approximation theory.
Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Terzian, Stepan
Professor, D.Sc., Associated Member
+3592 979 3805
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 309
Analysis, Geometry and Topology Department
Troyanski, Stanimir
Academician, Associated Member
+3592 979 2815
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str, Bl. 8, Room 574